Systemic Safety
To understand the safety of ingredients if they are absorbed into the body (systemic safety), we do not use an animal study to…
Unilever is committed to ending animal testing globally. We believe in using science, not animals, to assure the safety of our products and the ingredients in them. Non-animal safety approaches are developed by our leading-edge scientists, who work with world-class researchers and experts. These partnerships enable us to develop new approach methodologies (NAMs) for keeping people and the environment safe. These approaches include computational modelling and in vitro assays.
To understand the safety of ingredients if they are absorbed into the body (systemic safety), we do not use an animal study to…
Some ingredients used in consumer products have the potential to cause allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), a type of skin allergy. To…
A significant proportion of Unilever’s products are aerosols and sprays which include underarm antiperspirants, hair sprays…
Developmental and reproductive toxicity (DART) refers to potential adverse effects that exposure to an ingredient may have on …
We consider all potential adverse impacts on the human immune system resulting from exposure to an ingredient. These include…
Some of our consumer products have the potential to change the human microbiome or raise microbiological concerns…
Unilever ingredients are often disposed of down the drain after use, so it is important for us to assess the environmental safety of…
Biodegradation is the process in which an ingredient is broken down through natural processes by microorganisms into simple substances…
From the initial concept for a new product, our scientists help shape innovations that are safe for people – ‘safety by design’. We use internationally recognised safety approaches, and authoritative scientific evidence, to ensure that people are safe when using our products. We continue to develop science and enhance our approaches, working closely with other experts.
Since many of our products are washed down the drain after they have been used and have the potential to end up in the environment, it is important that we assess the environmental safety of the ingredients we use. Our scientists, partnering with Unilever R&D Scientists, shape innovations that are safe for the environment and we are developing NAMs to evolve how we assess safety.