Formulation of Biocides Increased Antimicrobial Potency and Mitigates the Enrichment of Nonsusceptible Bacteria in Multispecies Biofilms17 March 2017Forbes S, Cowley N, Humphreys G, Mistry H, Amezquita A, McBain AJ (2017). Formulation of Biocides Increased Antimicrobial Potency and Mitigates the Enrichment of Nonsusceptible Bacteria in Multispecies Biofilms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83, 7, 1-15Download the publication
The T cell response to the contact sensitizer Paraphenylenediamine is characterized by a Polyclonal Diverse repertoire of antigen-specific receptors16 February 2017Oakes T, Popple AL, Williams J, Best K, Heather JM, Ismail M, Maxwell G, Gellatly N, Dearman RJ, Kimber I, Chain B (2017). The T cell response to the contact sensitizer Paraphenylenediamine is characterized by a Polyclonal Diverse repertoire of antigen-specific receptors....Download the publication
Is an ecosystem service-based approach developed for setting specific protection goals for plant protection products applicable to other chemicals?15 February 2017Maltby L, Jackson M, Whale G, Brown AR, Hamer M, Solga A, Kabouw P, Woods R, Marshall S (2017). Is an ecosystem service-based approach developed for setting specific protection goals for plant protection products applicable to other chemicals? Science of the Total Environment,...Download the publication
The Challenges of Applying Planetary Boundaries as a Basis for Strategic Decision-Making in Companies with Global Supply Chains15 February 2017Clift R, Sim S, King H, Chenoweth J, Christie I, Clavreul J, Mueller C, Posthuma L, Boulay A-M, Chaplin-Kramer R et al, Chatterton J, DeClerck F, Druckman A, France C, Franco A, Gerten D, Goedkoop M, Hauschild MZ, Huijbregts MAJ, Koellner T, Lambin EF, Lee J, Mair, S, Marshall...Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Contribution of ATM and ATR Kinase Pathways to p53-Mediate Response in Etoposide and Methyl Methanesulfonate Induced DNA Damage14 February 2017Sun B, Ross SM, Rowley S, Adeleye Y, Clewell R (2017). Contribution of ATM and ATR Kinase Pathways to p53-Mediate Response in Etoposide and Methyl Methanesulfonate Induced DNA Damage. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis, 58, 72-83.Download the publication
Sorption of Cationic Surfactants to Artificial Cell Membranes: Comparing Phospholipid Bilayers with Monolayer Coatings and Molecular Simulations10 February 2017Timmer N, Droge STJ (2017). Sorption of Cationic Surfactants to Artificial Cell Membranes: Comparing Phospholipid Bilayers with Monolayer Coatings and Molecular Simulations. Environmental Science and Technology, 51, 2890-2898Download the publication
The 3Rs as a framework to support a 21st century approach for nanosafety assessment1 February 2017Burden N, Aschberger K, C haudhry Q, Clift MJD, Doak Sh, Fowler P, Johnston H, Landsiedel R, Rowland J, Stone V (2016). The 3Rs as a framework to support a 21st century approach for nanosafety assessment. Nano Today, onlineDownload the publication
The 3Rs as a framework to support a 21st century approach for nanosafety assessment1 February 2017Burden N, Aschberger K, Chaudhry Q, Clift MJD, Doak SH, Fowler P, Johnson H, Landsiedel, Rowland J, Stone V (2017). The 3Rs as a framework to support a 21st century approach for nanosafety assessment. Nano Today, 12, 10-13Download the publication
Developing and testing a global-scale regression model to quantify mean annual streamflow1 January 2017Barbarossa V, Huijbregts MAJ, Hendriks AJ, Beusen AHW, Clavreul J, King H, Schipper AM (2017) Journal of Hydrology, 544, 479-87.Download the publication (Opens in a pop-up window )
Using Benchmarking to Strengthen the Assessment of Persistence30 November 2016McLachlan MS, Zou H, Gouin T (2017). Using Benchmarking to Strengthen the Assessment of Persistence. Environmental Science and Technology, 51, 4-11Download the publication
A history of the Molecular Initiating Event16 November 2016Allen TEH, Goodman JM, Gutsell S, Russell PJ (2016). A history of the Molecular Initiating Event, Chemical Research in Toxicology. 29 (12), 2060, 70Download the publication
The Utility of the In Vitro Micronucleus Test for Evaluating the Genotoxicity of Natural and Manmade Nano-Scale Fibres1 October 2016Fowler P, Homan A, Atkins D, Whitwell J, Lloyd M, Bradford R (2016). The Utility of the In Vitro Micronucleus Test for Evaluating the Genotoxicity of Natural and Manmade Nano-Scale Fibres. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, onlineDownload the publication